Have you been thinking about renting out your property? There are a number of things you should check before your property is ready to put on the rental market!
- Have you installed smoke detectors and do they comply with current Smoke Alarm Legislation?
- Has your property got a Safety Switch and has it been checked by an electrician?
- Are all electrical power sockets, light switches and any other electrical appliances in a safe working condition?
- Have you left operating booklets for appliances and any inclusions for the tenants use?
- Have you arranged your Public Liability Insurance usually covered in your building insurance?
- Building insurance needs to be kept up to date, and there should be adequate contents insurance to cover curtains, carpets and any other inclusions for tenants use
- Have you arranged Landlord Insurance?
- Are all glass panels secure and intact?
- Is all fencing and gates secure? Pool fencing – does the safety fencing around the pool comply?
Has it got a self-closing gate and a resuscitation notice on the fence? This is required to comply with Council regulations on pool fencing - Carpets need to be professionally cleaned and if animals have been on the property a professional flea treatment is required
- Are all gutters clean of leaves and debris?
- Three sets of keys are required – two sets for tenants and one set for the office
Click the links below for more information